A bad spell (which can last for months) means:
- Energy to do only one or two things per day. Taking a bath or shower counts. So does cooking a meal. So does writing a blog post, or talking on the phone with a friend. Take your pick.
- Neglecting the pets. Not walking the dogs. Insufficiently petting the cats. Ignoring the parakeets. Being a bad pet parent.
- Beginning, setting down, forgetting, several books at once.
- Sleeping at least twelve hours per day. Not quite being awake the other twelve.
- Wearing the same clothes, unwashed, day after day after day, because doing laundry is too difficult.
- Eating rather too much pizza. Cheap, filling, delivered.
- Stepping carefully around piles of books, magazines, unread mail.
- Leaving phone calls, email, paper mail, blog comments -- unanswered.
- Wondering how one prioritizes long procrastinated tasks.
Of course, the fact that I can write this means that the bad spell is easing; it's only in looking back that I see how bad it's been.
I saw the doctor today. He suggests -- tentatively, as it's spendy -- a drug called Provigil. It's meant for the treatment of narcolepsy, but apparently has showed some effectiveness in patients suffering severe fatigue. He's seen patients respond with increased energy and mental acuity.
Sounds like heaven to me. I remind myself, keep hope within bounds. I've been there before. First task, investigate drug. Next task, ask you: have any of you tried this?
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